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+97156 4124 350

Mon to Thu: 08.00AM - 6.00PM
Fri: 08.00AM - 12.30PM & 2.00PM - 6.00PM
Saturday and Sunday Holidays


Certification Policy

It is the policy of CCS to

  • Provide non-discriminatory management system certification services in conformity to national and international accreditation criteria and in accordance with the accreditation requirements.
  • Provide certification services to the benefit of our clients and which contribute to the overall integrity and value of the certification process to government, commerce and industry.
  • Continually maintain the highest standards of professionalism and business integrity.
  • Through its Certification Policy, the management of CCS aspires to encourage awareness and to inspire confidence to the public by continually enhancing every business with management systems certifications. It is ensured that CCS communicates this policy to all its interested parties.